Parental Training Opportunities
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Hello and welcome back to the 2023-2024 school year!
The top priority of the Special Education Department here at Frazier School District is to ensure all students are provided with an educational experience that is engaging, supportive, and meaningful for each and every student. As the Director of Special Education I will continue to strive to be your child’s strongest advocate and do everything I can to support their individual needs.
I also wanted to take this opportunity to inform you we will continue to conduct all meetings such as IEP, GIEP, or 504 Agreements in-person, virtually, or by phone conference when necessary. You will be contacted by the Special Education Secretary to schedule the meeting and once a time is confirmed invitations and any other necessary documents or links will be mailed/emailed.
In order to better accommodate parents who would like to attend virtually and to ensure we maintain compliance with special education paperwork, we will continue to implement e-signatures utilizing the IEPWriter program which will directly notify you by email to electronically sign off on any paperwork. This will also provide you with a copy of the document(s) as well as procedural safeguards.
If you have any questions or concerns about your ability to participate in meetings, please contact the Special Education Office at 724-736-9507 Ext. 128.
Thank you,
Mr. Eric Johnson
Special Education Director
724-736-9507 x106
Special Education
Frazier School District is committed to ensuring all students have access to high quality instruction responsive to their needs and delivered by effective and culturally responsive educators within the Least Restrictive Environment.
Our primary focus is to build capacity and to support staff members district wide to ensure effective instruction is the predictor of student outcomes.
gifted program
The Gifted and Talented Program provides accelerated and enriched services for advanced-level learners, as well as talent development opportunities, at the high, middle, and elementary school levels.
Act 55 of 2022 - Student Enrollment Guidance
Act 55 permits a student with a disability who was enrolled during the 2021-22 school year and turned age 21 during the 2021-22 school year, or between the end of the 2021-22 and the beginning of the 2022-23 school year, to attend a school entity during the 2022-23 school year and receive services as outlined on their most recent Individualized Education Program (IEP) with all the protections under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Department of Education - Act 55 of 2022
For additional questions or to submit an enrollment notification form, please email ejohnson@fraziersd.org