Technology Department

Technology department

Mr. Scott Hazelbaker

Technology Director/PIMS Administrtor/Safety Coordinator

724-736-9507 x129

Mrs. Joan Kopacko

Software/iOS Analyst

724-736-9507 x132

Mr. Adam Sepic

IT Support/Web Design

724-736-9507 x138

The world today is tech-driven.  It is our goal to put students on the front lines of technology by incorporating traditional learning techniques with innovative technology.

For your convenience, payments for the Technology Protection Plan can be made Online at e-Funds for Schools.

e-Funds for Schools

1:1 Technology Initiative

Every student deserves access to technology and the opportunities available to those who understand and harness its power.  Our 1:1 technology program prepares students to be future ready by using technology in every classroom and placing a device in the hands of every student.

We issue every student grades 1 to 12 a Chromebook for use at school and at home.  Students in grades Pre-K and K  enjoy learning and completing exercises on iPads or Chromebooks during class time.


accidental protection plans

We encourage families to take advantage of our accidental protection plan insurance, provided to all students for all student devices.  Whether the device stays in the classroom or travels home with the student, it will be covered.

Families may sign up for the accidental protection during registration and when the forms are sent home at the beginning of each school year.