Crisis Management and Mental Health Resources
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
Fayette County Crisis Services Hotline: 724-437-1003
School Calendar
Health and Safety Plan
Board approved 8/19/2024
Forms and Resource Links
High School
Middle School
Health Services
State Exam Information
Flexible Instruction Information
resource links
- SKYWARD Access
- aSAP - Student Assistance
- Frazier Educational Resources
- School Cafe
- e-Funds for Schools
- Summer Meals Program
- Frazier Food and Nutrition
- Frazier Special Education Services
- Frazier Gifted and Talented Program
- Frazier Athletics
- High School Guidance
- Middle School Guidance
- Elementary School Guidance
- Safe Schools
- Safe2Say
- Bullying Prevention
- StaySafeOnline
- PA Department of Human Services
- CHIP Health Insurance Program
- Gaggle Safety Blog
- Carnegie Science STEM Programs
- Guide to Smartphone Safety
- National Center for Homeless Education
- McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
- Cyber Security Guide
- Mental Health Durning the Holidays